Thursday, April 10, 2008

Useful Infidels

What's wrong with this picture?

For those who don't know, this is recently deceased al-Qaeda commander Abu Ubaida al-Masri, who is believed to have helped plan the 2005 subway attacks in London. He was a terrorist. He hated westerners so much that he spent much of his time planning coordinated attacks like the London one, and the failed attempt in 2006 to bomb trans-Atlantic airliners.

So why is he using a Bluetooth cellphone headset? That little miracle of technology would not exist were it not for the coordinated efforts of American universities, European engineers and Asian manufacturing expertise. It is a shining example of the wonders of economic and intellectual cooperation, a tribute to people who build useful things and seek to move humanity forward. It certainly was not created by bearded thugs living in the remote mountains of Pakistan.

One wonders what these guys think when they order their handsets, iPods and satellite dishes from Do they curse at Microsoft Word when it mangles the HTML of their latest anti-American rant? Do they even notice the irony?

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